In the color theory assignment I learned about the color wheel. I learned that red, yellow, and blue are the pigment generated primary colors and red, green, and blue are the light generated primary colors. Mixing the primary colors is how you get the secondary colors like green, violet, and orange. Tertiary colors are created by mixing secondary colors with other secondary colors or with primary colors. A subtractive color model is pigment generated while an additive color model is light generated. Colors can make things look brighter or darker. they can be used to set a certain feeling to a room. Warm colors like orange, red, and yellow can be used to make a room have a fall or summer feel while cool colors like violet, blue, and grey can create more of a winter scene. Contrasting color can cause more of a pop from the colors. if you put a red tile on a black board the red is join to stand out more then if you put red tile on an orange board.
Grey Scale Image
Monotone Image
Complimentary Color Image
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